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What is PBIS?

Ohio’s adopted strategic plan for education, Each Child, Our Future, explicitly recognizes the need for a positive climate in every school to support student well-being, academic achievement and future success. Most recently, Ohio enacted the Supporting Alternatives for Fair Education (SAFE) Act, House Bill 318. It is one of the strongest state laws in the country addressing multi-tiered behavioral supports in the interest of reducing disciplinary referrals, especially for prekindergarten through grade 3 students. This bill strengthens existing requirements for school districts to implement PBIS. (

In a general sense, Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) is a school-wide systemic approach used to promote and encourage positive behaviors while providing support and correction for problem behaviors.  

The North Ridgeville Local School District is focused on our Ranger STRONG expectations to focus students’ behavior and success in our schools.   

S - Service
T - Teamwork
R - Respect
O - Ownership
N - Necessity
G - Goals

To learn more about PBIS, please click on the links below.  

Ohio’s PBIS Framework
Center on PBIS


Positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) is an proactive approach NRAC uses to improve school safety and promote positive behavior. When schools react only with punishment, students don’t learn the skills they need to improve. That’s where positive behavioral interventions and support (PBIS) comes in. Students will receive explicit instruction, practice, and feedback on the expected behaviors for each school setting.

  • Students will be provided incentives and reinforcement for demonstrating expected behaviors.

  • Students will receive logical consequences to correct behavior errors.

  • School teams will meet to review group and individual behavior data in order to ensure consistent implementation and to modify the supports as needed.

What is the focus? The focus for September and October will be RESPECT. 

What can students earn? Students will have the ability to earn Ranger STRONG tickets for displaying RESPECT and for other expectations throughout the school year..

What can students use their tickets for? Well, 3rd and 4th grade will have a PBIS store (cart) where students can buy items. 5th through 8th grade students will be able to use their tickets to entry weekly, monthly and semester prize raffles.