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Ranger Council

Ranger Council is a group of local parent/teacher units, organized for the purpose of the conference, leadership training, and the coordination of efforts of the local units. 

Ranger Council meets the second Monday of the month at 6:30 PM in the Board of Education Community Room.

Ranger Council:

  • serves as a medium through which the units can together attack problems beyond the scope of a single unit working alone. Ranger Council can bring power and united planning efforts to bear on solutions of community-wide problems affecting children and youth.
  • uses conferences and instructional meetings, to exchange ideas and plans to benefit from each other’s experiences, learn new techniques of leadership, and receive training for their specific responsibilities.
  • maintains a close and cordial working partnership with the school administration. The school superintendent and building principals are members of the voting body of the Ranger Council. Council representatives attend and report on school board meetings and school board members are invited to attend Ranger Council meetings.
  •  strengthens the local units, develops leaders, engages in worthwhile community service projects, and broadens the public understanding of home-school partnerships.

As members of the North Ridgeville Ranger Council, we strongly believe in the unity that our organization provides to our units and the North Ridgeville School District as a whole.

Just a few of the events that Ranger Council hosts are the North Ridgeville Art Show and Dodgeball Tournament.

Ranger Council, along with the local units, provides over $4,000 annually in scholarships to graduating seniors to help further their educational dreams.

We encourage you to become an active participant in your child’s educational experience as well, join your local unit, volunteer, and do any number of things to show your children and their school that they have a great support system.